About Me

I am Ermiyas Tilahun who is passionate web developer. I am experienced full stack developer and currently I am working to master my frontend skills.

About This Project

This project includes solutions for the famous UI Challenges available at Frontend Mentor. It is created to develop and showcase my frontend skills by solving those challenge. This project is also very beneficials to those who are passionate web developers who has interest in forntend. You can practice by refering solutions in this project for challenges from Frontend Mentor. More challenges will be included whenever I solve them. My plan is to start small and get bigger through time. Explore github repos for my solutions and see the live demos in below section.

Also find me on my socials in the header or see my portfolio: ermiyas.com

QR Code Compnent

A challenge is to build out this QR code component.


Live   |   Git Repo   |   Challenge

Contact Form

A challenge is to build out this contact form.


Live   |   Git Repo   |   Challenge

Result Summary Component

A challenge is to build out a result display form.


Live   |   Git Repo   |   Challenge

Age Calculator App

A challenge is to build out an age calculator app.


Live   |   Git Repo   |   Challenge